So today as I’m driving back home from work, I’m just thinking of ALL I have to do when I get home. So I stopped at the red light and it just hit me. Gigi you have to stop being a PROCRASTINATOR!! I get things done there is no doubt about that BUT in between I would say “I’ll leave that for later or I can do that later” about 100 times πŸ˜‘ and then go crazy trying to make everything happen 🀯.

My Mother always says this Spanish saying “ el camino malo se pasa rápido”. Which means that just get through the bad path fast πŸ’¨.

So that’s exactly what I did and Thanks to my Skinny Tea and it’s natural energy source I had the energy to do it all. As soon as I got home I went straight to the kitchen and made dinner 🍽 then as the food is cooking, I did the dishes and helped my oldest with homework. In addition to that I still had time to get clothes ready for tmrw for myself and the kiddos πŸ‘ΆπŸ» πŸ‘ΆπŸ» πŸ‘ΆπŸ» πŸ˜‰. After that dinner is ready and served and ready to eat.

I bought a big pack of disposable plates and utensils for dinner so, I don’t have to do that much dishes πŸ˜‰πŸ˜.

Later on I have my oldest do some studying πŸ“– while I bathe πŸ› my twins (not really twins - Irish Twins but I don’t like explaining the age difference so I just say twins 🀦🏽‍♀️). After I’m done with them, my oldest showers and finally myself. Before going into the shower I give them something to snack on so I don’t give them time to think πŸ€” hmm where is Mami and start banging on the bathroom door. And just like that I have some ME time πŸ’†πŸ»‍β™€οΈπŸ˜.

All this I’ve done and it’s not even 8pm yet. πŸ˜‰. So now from 8-9 we get to relax and talk about our day. By, 9pm all kids should be in their beds πŸ›Œ.

Today is Colon Tea night so while I’m sitting on my living room couch and drinking my Colon Tea, I’m typing my blog and thinking how much I accomplished by just getting it done and not procrastinating.

So today I will work on a schedule for home and see how well I can follow it because so far today was a great day 😎.

Are you guys good at managing your time and getting things done? What helps you get things done? Leave a comment and let me know 😊

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