Hey busy Mamas, SO do you want to know how you can blog and do chores at the same time? Now that is what I call multitasking ha ha. So, I know many of you don't know me yet but just so you know my name is Sully Torres and I go by Gigi Torres or GGMOMOF3.  I am a mother of three beautiful children one boy  that is 13years old  and a daughter which is 3 years old and my last creation which is 2 years old  yes Lord help me!!  I have decided to become a Blogger a few months ago, I just never really went for it because I just didn't have the time do it anything with my life because my kids consume all of me. Do you feel the same way? It just hit me today that there is something that I can do to write as many blogs as I want whenever I want. I'm going to say roughly three to five blogs per day instead of per week or at least draft them and then on the following day or even following two or three days set them up and do all your pictures and all your editing and everything that you have to do.

So, today I want to share with you something that obviously we all have in the tip of our hands and I'm pretty sure we are just not using it or many of us don’t  even know existed ……so I'll be revealing to you how you can multitask ………meaning Blog and do chores at the same time …. So COOL!!!


I'm pretty sure all of us obviously since we are bloggers or bloggers to be we have a computer or we have a smartphone or even tablet to deal with  AND  I'm pretty sure many of us already use Microsoft Word!!

So,  Microsoft Word has this option to DICTATE,  now what exactly does that do or what does it mean to you? When you activate the dictation microphone you can literally dictate your blogs and you don't have to sit in front of a computer to do  your work and all your editing because on top that your just dictating it obviously Microsoft word will underline whatever doesn’t look right and it’ll be easier for you to proof read and correct any errors.  In other words when you dictate it, it minimizes the time needed to type and proofread your work.

Right now, as I'm blogging or dictating my blog 😊 I’m in the kitchen of my home doing some Salmon in the air fryer (yum delicious) with rice and sauteed broccoli  for my kids and I'm blogging at the same time!! How cool is that?

So, this is what I call saving time and multitasking.

Therefore if you go to your Microsoft Word and find the little microphone which is called Dictate you activate it!

Also you can use this feature even if you have the time to sit in front of a computer  and simply dictate it so you don't have to be typing it and also if you just have chores to do like I am doing right now (I just have my phone in my pocket with my air pods and I'm doing the chores and blogging at the same time) then later when the kids do take a nap and I have the time to quietly and peacefully sit in front of the computer and edit my blog, my blog is basically half way complete!!!

That is just something I really needed to just tell all my readers and busy momma bloggers because is just little things like these that makes a HUGE difference!!

I hope just like me this little tool will get you super excited to either start your new blog today or write your next blog today!!

Also, in case you guys were already used to the old fashioned way and you needed a little bit more time in your hands for you …….I think this is the perfect idea and with me telling you that I'm right now I'm in the room folding clothes and food is prepped and covered, now I'm in the room folding clothes while I'm doing my blog so I just  think this was really cool and I just wanted to share.

If you by any chance need help setting this feature up or need any help on to where to find it and just anything that I can assist you with you can definitely comment on my blog or my post, you can definitely DM me, contact  me and I will show you and lead you the way. I just really think this is so helpful because I'm pretty sure especially now during pandemic we have our kids at home, kids are studying remotely and you know maybe you don't have the time to be in front of the computer or don’t have another computer so I just believe it is a good tool to know that we can use in our phones, computer or tablets and is offered to us so might as well use it and take advantage of it!!!  

Yea so let us get the blogging started!! So if you were wondering how can you use more time in a day because you needed to blog or if you’re a student and needed to complete you paper  or you were too tired or you had to wait for your kids to go to sleep or trying to figure out the best time slot that you can block to create your blog or complete your work  now hopefully I fixed this problem for you!!

You can walk around your house air pods on and just go about your day and multitask the right way so once again I just hope this was very useful don't forget to subscribe to my YouTube channel on which I always also post a video once a week and it usually has to do with my blog but this time I'm kind of you know Vlogging it I would say maybe 'cause I'll be in front of a camera but I also usually posted on my My Website  website and yes and I'll be working on my next eBook so just be on the lookout for that as well.

Thank you for coming into my Blog Space and I really hope that my blog has helped you multitask for all my busy Mamas.

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